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Meet our great team

In the eternal words of the great Steve Jobs

“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.”

We are so lucky to have had a huge spectrum of talented and gifted individuals work by our sides both in the kitchen and front of house over the years. They have all made huge contributions to the business and it’s continued success but we can’t thank them all enough. The important point to note here though is that at the core of it all these excellent teams of people have had a huge appreciation for the customer at every turn. The feedback received through various means has always praised the customer service and long may that continue here at THE NEW INN.

As you may know Laura and I, as publicans, have pegged our names above the door here at THE NEW INN. Our dedication to quality, customer service and creating memories that last are burned into our landlord and landlady DNA and we will always strive to make sure that a visit to the New Inn is a great one. What can be difficult to do is instil that same dedication into the staff but by some stroke of sheer luck we have amassed a team who share the same values as we do.

Many of the staff that worked with us at The Hogget at Hook are coming to work at The New Inn when it reopens in early 2023 – this is great news for us all. Thank god!!!!!

First off – Stuart and Maria are key members of the team who are capable of managing all front-of-house and kitchen operations in the absence of Laura and myself. Their industry knowledge and experience of working in hotels, restaurants and pubs is vast. They brought with them a huge degree of management experience gained over their working careers in the hotel and hospitality industry and they have been a huge asset at The HOGGET over many, many years and now THE NEW INN!!!
Secondly we can’t talk about staff without mentioning Katie. She joined us as a shy, quiet, unassuming Kitchen Porter at The HOGGET well over 10 years ago. At the time she was studying catering but didn’t know which direction she really wanted to take. The story is quite different now… She has blossomed into a confident, able chef who can run a kitchen service with her eyes closed. She shouts (in a nice way…) orders at the rest of the team and she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Whilst her language can be a bit ‘colourful’ at times she is a massive asset to the team and we can’t imagine a kitchen brigade without her.
Thirdly – we have to give a special shout out to the rest of our wonderful team. We have too many people to mention individually as a lot of them are local people that only work part-time but the fact remains that almost all the loyal, dedicated staff who worked full-time or part-time at The Hogget want to carry on with us at The New Inn which we couldn’t be happier about – in fact it’s just amazing. We re autarky boasts 

In time we will add to our ’New’ NEW INN team and we will be even better than before so watch this space and rest assured that the team will welcome you back within with open arms when you come and see us.

After all is said and done and according to famous broadcaster John Hillaby, “Few things are more pleasant than a village graced with a good church, a good priest and a good pub”.

Long live THE NEW INN and all those that sail in her!!!!

By Laura Faulkner


Please note that we will be CLOSED all day on SATURDAY the 7th of September for a private function.


We will be open as normal on Sunday the 8th serving Sundays roasts from midday.


Thanks for your understanding and apologies for any inconvenience.

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